Karla Kuskin
Have the class think of a few things that crawl on the ground. Make a list of what those animals see as they move.
Then make a list of animals that live in trees. What do they see as they move between the branches?
What animals live in the ocean? What does there world look like?
When they go to recess on the playground, what do children see as they run around?
"I’m up here"
By Karla Kuskin
I'm up here.
You're down there.
And nothing in that space between us
But a mile of air.
Where I sale:
Clouds pass.
Where you run:
Green grass.
Where I float:
Birds sing.
One thin thing there is
That hold us close together:
Kite string.
Have the class work in groups to guess who is talking in the poem. Each group should find at least two hints in the poem that show why they picked the selected narrator. To whom is the narrator speaking? Can they imagine how another toy might see the world? What words would show how that toy felt?
Janeczko, Paul B., ed. 2001. DIRTY LAUNDRY PILE: POEMS IN DIFFERENT VOICES. Illustrated by Melissa Sweet. HarperCollins.
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